I am officially done with classes for the semester, so all I have left are review sessions and finals frenzy! I am lucky in that most of my tests are take home exams and papers, but still it is a lot of work! I am looking forward to going home for the summer - it is so close!
Here are some "life" highlights that have occurred this month that are not school related:

- my friends Kelly, Hannah, and I made our own Passover seder! We had all of the traditional things, and were very proud of ourselves (check out the picture to the left)
- I tried Georgetown Cupcakes for the first time, which is the shop that is featured on the TLC show "DC Cupcakes". They were DELICIOUS.
- I went to a Nationals baseball game against the Cincinnati Reds, and watched their 13th inning victory!
- Alyssa, one of Chandni's roommates from undergrad, came and stayed with me in DC for the weekend. She had never been before so we had fun touring around the city and eating multiple delicious brunches, my favorite being at Kramers and Afterwards in Dupont Circle
- I have signed up to do a 5K in San Francisco with James this summer, called The Color Run. If you don't know what the Color Run is, you should click that link and check it out because it's awesome - registration filled up in less than 24 hours! In preparation for this run I have embarked on a running training program called "From Couch to 5K", which has been fun way to enjoy the nice weather while getting in shape for the run. My favorite place to run is on the Rock Creek parkway along the Potomac River. It's beautiful!

- I got to witness the space shuttle Discovery make its last flight over Washington DC, before its final placement in the Smithsonian Air and Space museum. It made multiple laps over the mall, the capital, and over the entire downtown DC area. It was amazing to see in person, and it was fun to share the experience with other DC residents - it seemed like everyone ditched their office to watch the shuttle!
- This "highlight" is bittersweet - unfortunately at the beginning of the month I traveled down to Richmond for my Pop-Pop John's funeral. I still can't believe he is gone, but am incredibly thankful that my mom, Pop, and I were able to visit him and my Great Aunt Doris last month before he passed away. While it was a sad event, it was truly wonderful to see my family that I do not get to visit that often.
- I attended this cool event called "ArtJamz", in which they gave us food, wine, a canvas, and unlimited painting supplies for 3 hours for a "destress" event during Public Health Week. I had so much fun getting back into art, I have definitely missed it! I painted a brick house with cherry blossoms and a dog. Not my best artistic creation, but I still like it!
This weekend, cousin Jeff and his friend Burdey are coming down to spend some time with me and help move some of my stuff back to New Jersey. I am incredibly excited to get a break from finals and have a fun visit with them.
I cannot believe my first year at GW is almost over, time sure does fly by when you're having fun!
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